Friday, July 28, 2017

I Have You

"You are not lost. Not to me.
And never will be.
No matter where you may be,
no matter how far or deep or dark
or empty or alone or confusing or new
or complex or tangled
or bad or difficult,
I will find you.
I will find you and I will be with you.
I will come to you and hold you and care for you
and uplift you and protect you
and heal you and save you
and bring you home.
So you never need be afraid.
Never.For you will not be lost, not to me.
I have you. Now and forever.
Be at peace and rest in that peace.
You will never be in a place my love cannot find.
So says our God."

~ Episcopal Bishop Steven Charleston, of the Choctaw Nation and Professor of Theology at Oklahoma City
As of 2017 Charleston was adjunct professor of Native American ministries at Saint Paul School of Theology, based at Oklahoma City University. Via the web at the same time he described himself as a "Native American elder, author, and retired Episcopal bishop", and maintained a public presence through his Facebook page of daily spiritual reflections. He has self-published several volumes of these reflections, plus two novels of a planned trilogy, through his company Red Moon Publications.

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