Saturday, July 22, 2017

No True Thought

Image result for Ramana Maharshi"There is no such thing as an absolutely True thought. 
Some thoughts are truer than others;
No thought is absolutely True!" ~ Adyashanti

Image may contain: 1 person, text"Abide as That which is attained easily when one is convinced that one is not different from the Supreme Absolute, That which results, when that conviction becomes firm, in the experience of the Supreme Bliss of the Real, That which produces a sense of incomparable and complete satisfaction when the mind is absorbed in It – and be always happy, without the least trace of thought."     

        ~ Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi attributed unique value to this lucid exposition of Supreme Truth. He often referred to it in his talks with devotees and seekers, and he is reported to have said that if one repeatedly read Chapter 26 of the Ribhu Gita one could pass spontaneously into samadhi, or the natural state of Self-realization."

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