Thursday, August 31, 2017

Love is You

"The woman spoke to Rinpoche (Tibetan master Anam Thubten Rinpoche) about her terrible uncertainty for her sanity, and after a few words he invited her to come close and sit facing him. By the time she had shared all she needed to, her eyes were full of tears. Rinpoche remained silent for a minute or two, and then he quietly said,

“Your suffering is mine. Your fear is mine.” Many of us gasped at the exquisite beauty of his response. And there were tears in his eyes as well as he added, “You are not alone.” The woman and Rinpoche meditated together for a few more minutes and then he asked,

“What do you feel?” “Love. Great love, but after all, it’s you.” He replied, “No, the love is you—your seeing and knowing what’s inside of you.”

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