Saturday, May 27, 2017


"I Am. I am not Chad. That was a name given to me after I already was. But after a while, I became so identified with Chad that I forgot that I was. All of my efforts went to the cultivation of Chad. I wanted people to like Chad. I wanted people to be impressed with Chad. I wanted Chad to be special. However, I was never satisfied with Chad. He was not handsome enough, rich enough, famous enough, smart enough, or just enough period…

One day I realized that I was not Chad… I remembered who I was (and AM) prior to the dream of Chad. Then all of the stress and anxiety of building up this Chad persona was lifted. I was free. Free to be. Free to love unconditionally. Free to forgive. In this body I play several different roles. I play a father, husband, software developer, adjunct college professor, hip-hop artist, spiritual activist, mindfulness coach… the list goes on.
In the winter of 2009, after reading the first few pages of "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, I found myself sitting by the river in complete bliss every single day. My "life" was no longer my concern. There was no future or past. Everything was brand new. I would just stare at a tree as if I had never seen one in my life. There was no worry, fear, stress, guilt or sense of lack. Time literally stood still. The constant dialogue in my head was muted. Everything was silent. My Being was still. I was at rest.

My blissful walks to the river lasted about a year. I would like to say that it was all smooth sailing from there. But during this time there was days of Heaven and days of Hell. There were moments when I cried tears of joy, and other moments when I cried tears of frustration and confusion. I meditated (or sat in the stillness) and read copious amounts of spiritual material. One book led to another, and to another and so on. I yearned for a "spiritual teacher" that I could talk to and ask my deepest questions, but I never found one. Then, one day I stumbled across Mooji on Youtube… Over and over Mooji would ask the same question during Satsang, "Can the seer be seen?" This question caused me to patiently and silenty focus on my inner alter until I found rest. I began to identify with that silent Awareness…

Like the saying goes, "Once you get the message, hang up the phone." Mooji helped me to finally get the message. The journey was finally over… The dust had settled… I no longer identified with my mind movement. The silence took me over. My seeing was made clear. All questions have been removed. I am one with the Intelligence that has me here. There IS NO SEPARATION.”

Image may contain: 1 person    Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, selfie and closeup

~ Chadwick Johnson does not claim to be an expert… rather, he teaches and attributes his spiritual clarity… to “the teacher is the student” approach to sharing Truth. Chad had a spiritual awakening in early 2010 after reading “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle… Chad knew early on that the wisdom he shared was from a source of intelligence that was greater than his own. Consequently, he used his own teachings as a guide in his spiritual journey toward spiritual clarity. While Chad read countless books and watch hundreds of videos of Mooji, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, and Adyashanti, it was ultimately the trust in his own teachings that dissolved all questions. Chad started The W.A.Y. Project in 2012 as a way to organize his volunteer work and to raise awareness about mindfulness. He also has a YouTube page that he created as a way to share the truth of self-discovery to the hip-hop generation. Chad and his wife, Ericka, live in Sacramento California with their five children. He has a bachelor’s degree from California State University of Sacramento and a law degree from McGeorge School of Law.

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