Sunday, July 2, 2017


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, beard“The guru cuts a strange figure in the eyes of society. Indeed, the functional condition of the Divine contradicts all conventional standards. The cherished notions of the world are pointed out as delusions by the guru, and the movement towards union is declared invalid. The truth of existence is so potently simple that once you understand it, it seems totally unreasonable not to expect everyone to acknowledge your obvious grasp of the Divine process that is life. What does happen when you express this simple clarity? Not only are you not lauded, you are ostracized, vilified and attacked. The world does not take very kindly to the guru, because the awakened one is a living challenge to convention itself. The only challenge.” ~ Lee Lozowick, In the Fire

“I am a firm believer in structure . . . I’m a firm believer in tradition, in the essence of tradition because I think that the laws of consciousness are the same now as they ever were but the world we live in is not the same as it ever was. So, I’m a firm believer in the need for a response to universal laws but not necessarily trying to recreate the old times and the old forms. Every human being at the level of intrinsic dignity and intrinsic nobility, automatically knows how to live. If we are intelligent and educated, we know how to adjust to the circumstances that we find ourselves in. Obviously different than the circumstances fifty years ago. So, my whole emphasis is on an instinctual search for that intrinsic dignity and that intrinsic nobility and from that, by definition, to be noble and to be dignified, is to have integrity, practice with impeccability, to live rightly and justly . . . I mean who knows how to? . . . If people don’t make an absolutely fundamental decision, an irrevocable radical decision . . . then they play around the edges . . .”

"To ultimately "make it" in this Work of Awakening, of Transformation, you have to embrace the miraculous -- always. And that miracle is you being so much at peace with yourself that you can turn your energy towards welcoming and using the opportunities that are always falling into your lap. To embrace and devour these opportunities will make you free, happy, full of life, full of passion."

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

~ Lee Lozowick, the spiritual son of Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar of Tiruvannamalai, died November 16th, 2010 in his own bed in Prescott, Arizona, after a long battle with cancer. They say he died with a smile on his face.

"GURU LOOKING FOR SERIOUS INDIVIDUAL TO REPLACE HIM (WANTS TO GO FISHING): can be man or woman - no children, please - long hours - (or no hours) - much adulation and affection (if desired) - very poor wages (or very rich wages) - fame and fortune await (if you ‘re willing to dumb down and compromise) – no experience needed (or all experience needed) - some small difficulties but these won’t be apparent until you’re in too deep. All inquires welcome. Lee c/o PO Box 4272, Prescott, AZ 86302 "

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