Tuesday, August 15, 2017


"I have been very raw lately.  I am writing a book on awakening, enlightenment and integration, and I am led by this process into the depths of my being. Again. And again. As it's not enough already for 7 years being totally stripped down to the bare volnarability. I see that the next chapter in the integration just opened, and for everyone the process is very different and intimate, so I won't tell you what exactly my process is right now.  Please just know, if you feel you are invincible and done, enjoy the times of peace and harmony, but know that the next wave of uncovering true authenticity will come. Be kind to your fellow travelers. I love you ❤️...

Take off your mask, drop the role, the one that is like a tight shoe, that doesn't make you happy when you dance, make you cringe your face, take your eyes to the side,  make a shameful smile that says it all, and only you think no one sees. Everyone else is making the same face, it's also tight there, behind the mask. It's time, my friends. I know I am asking for almost impossible, but I know myself it is. Yes, you won't be loved, you won't be liked, you might loose everyone who only wants to see your mask, not you. They only think they want you, but show them your face - they will run! They first tell you how agly you are, then run, flapping their mask of their own face. This is how we live. When you meet one that even glanced at you from under their mask, turn to them, see yours now. We live with masks embedded in our face, ingraved,  we do not know our face anymore. We lost the sense of it. But somewhere deep inside we feel as we are not living, we are constantly playing, we are tired. Stop this play. The life is what's going on while we are playing the roles in that scenario from the way, way before. Exit the theater.  Inhale freedom ❤️⛩🌈 Post me your true face here." -- Elena Nezhinsky

Image added by Sam Long to illustrate 'raw'.

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