Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Bring Heaven To Earth

Teach not the way philosophy is taught, but the way Spirit teaches. Teach spiritual things spiritually ~ 1 Corinthians 2:13

The written letters alone will bring death
but the Spirit gives life. ~ 2 Corinthians 3:6

Let us create humanity in our own image,
in the likeness of ourselves. ~ Genesis 1:26

"Heaven" is a metaphor for the presence of the Divine. Heaven is not really localized in one "place". In God, is "heaven". Heaven is simply where God is, and since the reality that we call, "God" is actually everywhere, is in everything, and everything is in God....we can see heaven everywhere we look, if we only have the eyes to see it.

The Divine redeems and makes the  best use of even the "worst" past. Life more than forgives us; Life turns our very liabilities into assets and our self-made hells into heavens. No matter how badly we seem to mess life matter what hell we seem to create, when we surrender the mess maker (ourselves!) and the mess over to the Divine Life, Life begins to unmess the mess and makes an asset of it, precisely because some of the best lessons we learn in life come about, not in spite of the "mess", but because of it!

Moreover, in God, the awakening experience in the eternal present, because it IS eternal, also redeems "the past" retroactively. When we enter into the state of heaven, heaven begins to extend backwards in time, so that if we choose heaven in preference to earth, our whole earth experience becomes heaven, our past, our present and our future. We lose the earth when we put earth and earthly things first. If we put first the kingdom of heaven, we get everything in the process. "Seek first the Kingdom of heaven, and all else will be added to you on earth as well." said the wise Jesus.

Put the interests of the Spirit first and the body tends to gets healthier and the seeds of immortality begin to sprout and flower, even in these mortal bodies. In the life of God we lose nothing worth keeping and we begin to get everything worth having, even in this life...Things, people, all kinds of wonderful experiences, begin to somehow inexplicably just show up. Moreover, all potentialities of good are brought to perfection through union with heaven, which is a state of consciousness, not a place, as we have said.

We need the divine in order to do divine works and follow divine example and live divine lives.

We need to awaken to the Holy Spirit within us, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit of love...Jesus commanded his disciples not to go out and attempt to do the work of the kingdom of heaven until they awakened to the gift of the Holy Spirit, heaven, within themselves, which would give them access to incredible power, certainty and authority. The power and authority and certainty they would need to bring heaven to earth."

-- Francis Fran Bennett, Patreon, Your World is your Monastery

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